Innovating together
Bernoulli Lab supports research and innovation projects in digital health carried out jointly by AP-HP and Inria partners throughout the life cycle of their project :
- Bringing together the partners
- Formalizing the collaboration (access to data, agreement, etc.)
- Enhancing project visibility (web, social networks, etc.)
- Providing community network and shared resources
- Searching for funding to support / consolidate the project
You have an idea for a project, even without a pre-established collaboration? Contact us : rf.ba1741486951l-ill1741486951uonre1741486951b@tca1741486951tnoc1741486951
Why combine the skills of AP-HP and Inria ?
The joint AP-HP - Inria Bernoulli Lab thus represents a fantastic opportunity for the teams from both institutions, in connection with the digital health research and innovation ecosystem.
AP-HP is the leading university hospital in Europe, internationally recognized, with 8.3 million patients treated per year, 700 departments, more than 20,000 beds, and nearly 12,300 doctors. AP-HP offers a privileged environment for research and the development of innovation with 5 University Hospital Institutes (IHU), 21 University Hospital Federations (FHU), 17 Clinical Investigation Centers (CIC), 4 Clinical Research Centers (CRC), 12 Biological Resource Centers (BRC).
Its health data warehouse (EDS_APHP) is the keystone and one of the largest health databases in the world, with the various data collected in the AP-HP hospital setting, from more than 11 million patients and updated daily. The EDS, in addition to the statistical interest of its data, also offers a governance and data access framework validated by CNIL (authorization n°1980120 obtained in 2017).
Inria is the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology. World-class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk are its DNA. Inria has more than 3,500 researchers and engineers working in 200 project-teams, most of which are shared with major research universities, and has 9 research centers spread throughout France.
« Scientists spend an increasing amount of time building and using software. However, most scientists are never taught how to do this efficiently. As a result, many are unaware of tools and practices that would allow them to write more reliable and maintainable code with less effort. »
Wilson G, Aruliah DA, Brown CT, Chue Hong NP, Davis M, et al. (2014) Best Practices for Scientific Computing. PLoS Biol 12(1): e1001745. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001745.
At your disposal :
To be assisted in organizing an AP-HP - Inria collaboration (identifying the right contact, structuring a partnership, etc.) >> contact-us
Exploiting data from care
Every year, the 39 hospitals of AP-HP welcome more than 10 million patients: in consultation, in emergency, during scheduled hospitalizations or in hospitalization at home, at all ages of life.
- The AP-HP HealthDataWarehouse (EDS) integrates health data of above 10 million patients admitted to the 39 AP-HP establishments for consultation or hospitalization. In addition to demographic data, the warehouse contains medico-administrative data from the PMSI (Programme de Médicalisation des Systèmes d'Information), diagnoses, procedures, biology and imaging results, drug prescriptions and medical reports associated with hospital visits, including data from emergency services, which are among the latest integrated information flows. The EDS is an aggregator of real-life data and a platform for making this data available.
- Imaging examinations, stored on a PACS (Picture Archive and Communication System), can also be made available from the EDS at the request of research teams.
- In addition, healthcare activity generates a lot of data that is not necessarily intended to be collected and stored in a database (e.g., data from high-frequency monitoring in critical care), and which can also represent an opportunity for scientific research and innovation in healthcare.
Access to all data from the healthcare sector is governed by the rules set out in the AP-HP's data governance, validated by CNIL (authorization no. 1980120 obtained in 2017) and described on the website The purpose of this governance is to preserve the trust of all stakeholders (patients, AP-HP professionals and researchers or health stakeholders partnering with the AP-HP), to guarantee the quality of uses, the respect of users' rights, and to address the ethical and societal issues raised by the storage and exploitation for research purposes of data from care.
Access to EDS data (for projects outside the care team and/or involving a partner outside the AP-HP) :
The Daniel Bernoulli Laboratory facilitates studies on health data collected in the context of care at AP-HP.
At your disposal:
Access to the AP-HP EDS data
To be accompanied to access the data of care ? >> contact us.
How to advertise your work?
The Bernoulli laboratory can help you to disseminate and publicize your work (on, through online communication actions, during events, etc.), including for recruitment needs on your project. Do not hesitate to contact us
The Bernoulli laboratory can also assist you in protecting or promoting your work. Here again, do not hesitate to contact us
Hosting AP-HP health professionals within an Inria team: Inria Hosting Positions (« Postes d’Accueil »)
AP-HP and Inria wish to enable hospital doctors to be hosted in an Inria research structure as part of the "hosting position" call for applications. To this end, each successful candidate will be awarded a two-party contract enabling the doctor to carry out a research activity (including as part of a PhD program) in an Inria research structure for a defined period.
The following staff are concerned: university hospital assistants (AHU), assistant clinical directors (CCA), pharmacists or odontologists as well as hospital practitioners (contractual or permanent).
These professionals are selected through an annual call for applications operated by AP-HP with Inria and several other partner institutions.
To apply, AHU or CCA candidates must hold a research master's degree (Master Il). Preference is given to courses that are part of a PhD program.
AP-HP offers to the selected candidates a fixed-term contract of one year, full-time, renewable once (twice for a PhD), after evaluation of the activity carried out during the previous year by the committee in charge of selecting the candidates.
AHUs and CCAs are paid, for the duration of their contract, on the basis of the emoluments and allowances applicable to attached practitioners (PATT), 1st level , the amount of which is set by decree.
In order to apply for the position, tenured hospital practitioners (PH) and contractual hospital practitioners (PHC) must obtain the written agreement of their department head and that of the head of the division, in order to ensure that the practitioner can carry out his or her research activity without compromising the activities of the clinical department to which he or she belongs.
During the duration of their contract, the PH and PHC keep their position within AP-HP and continue to receive the salary relative to their status.
A financial compensation to allow the replacement of the laureate is paid by AP-HP to the hospital site where the laureate practices. It is equivalent to half the salary of a PHC 1st level.
Each head of department is free to recruit (interns, FFIs, contractual practitioners or other pofile necessary for the proper functioning of the department) or may use this budgetary envelope to supplement the salary of a part-time employee already in place.
The selection of candidates involves an examination of the application file and a hearing by a joint committee made up of hospital practitioners from AP-HP and researchers from Inria and the other partner institutions.
The criteria for selecting candidates are as follows:
- the candidate's curriculum and professional project after the hosting position ;
- scientific quality of the project presented and feasibility in the host laboratory.
At the end of the candidate selection meeting, the joint committee draws up minutes signed by all its members, deciding on the choice of candidates. On the basis of the minutes, AP-HP and Inria jointly draw up and co-sign a contract for each candidate selected and hosted at Inria, before the date on which he/she takes up his/her post. The contract takes effect on November 1st of the year in which the call for applications is launched.
The research activity is the subject of a written report and an oral presentation at the end of the period of research activity in front of the joint committee that selected the candidates.
AP-HP pays the remuneration and related social charges of the AHU, CCA and PH/PHC, winners of the call for applications "Poste d'accueil", according to the statutes in force in the hospital site where they carry out their activity.