Care trajectories of elderly cancer patients and associated clinical-biological profiles



Main objectives

This project, supported by the AI-Raclès Chair, is based on linking the ELCAPA clinical cohort with the AP-HP Health Data Warehouse (EDS). It has three main objectives:
- Identifying and characterizing the hospital care trajectories of elderly cancer patients and the associated clinico-biological profiles,
- Assess the potential impact of hospital care trajectories on patient survival, taking into account oncological characteristics and initial management,
- Identify and predict frailty factors using data from Electronic Health Records (EHR).


More than a third of new cancer cases occur in people aged 70 or over. The physical and mental capacities of these people vary widely, some being comparable to those of younger subjects (robust elderly), while others, known as "frail", present an increased risk of adverse events (falls, fractures, loss of autonomy, unplanned hospitalizations, death). Comorbidities, polymedication, frailty and the lack of evidence-based data make therapeutic decision-making in elderly cancer patients complex.

Methodology/Technology used

Clustering techniques will be implemented to characterize hospital care trajectories. The potential impact of trajectories on survival will be assessed using causal inference methods. Finally, Automatic Language Processing (ALP) algorithms will be developed to identify frailty elements present in an unstructured way in EHRs.



Etienne Audureau () & Florence Canoui-Poitrine () & Thomas Guyet ()& Laurent Le Brusquet ()& Arthur Tenenhaus ()& Charline Jean ()


AP-HP, Centrale Supélec, Inria

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Names of partners involved
AP-HP, Inria & Centrale Supélec

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