How to optimize the care pathways of patients undergoing carcinological lung resection surgery?

Main objectives

Main objective: To define an optimized care pathway for patients requiring lung cancer surgery within the APHP after mapping the care pathways and identifying levers to improve performance indicators. The management of lung cancer is a public health issue.

Several solutions could improve the care pathway, such as the implementation of
- a rapid diagnosis pathway whose objectives are to limit the time between the suspicion of a cancerous lesion and the diagnosis of cancer
- an improved rehabilitation program after surgery to limit the risk of post-operative complications
- a program for returning home with support for the most fragile patients. In France, there is a wide variety of care pathways, but they have not been evaluated.

Our objective is to define an optimized care pathway for patients who are to undergo lung resection surgery for carcinological purposes at the APHP (which represents 10% of the people operated on in France) after having mapped the care pathways and identified the levers for improving the performance indicators.

We are developing new data analysis methods to meet these objectives based on data from the APHP's health data warehouse
© François Marin/AP-HP

Expected outcomes

The expected result in terms of methodology is mainly the implementation of a generic method for the characterization of care pathways (in cancerology)



CentraleSupelec, CHIC, AP-HP, Inria

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Names of partners involved
AP-HP, Inria & Centrale Supélec

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